Ä´vv Saa´mi Mu´zei | Ä'vv Skoltesámisk museum is a cultural history museum that conveys the complex history of the Skolt Sámi. Skolt Sámi is the modern term for the people with their settlement areas in what is now the borderland between Norway, Finland and Russia. The museum is located in Njauddâm Neiden and opened in 2017. Neiden – as part of the joint district (Norway, Finland and Russia) was a melting pot for cultural development. Äʹvv aims to contribute to the strengthening of Skolt Sámi culture, language and identity, as well as to convey knowledge about the Skolt Sámi past and present.
More about the Skolt Sami Museum and opening hours see link: https://dvmv.no/vv-skoltesamisk-muse/hjem/